Panasonic ProClub - Online manual
Direct Customers - Technical

To access to this section do the following:

In this section you can view and add:

Here you can manage Bulletins, Technical documents, Technical Videos or Technical presentations.

If you click the button    located on the right of the screen, you could edit the files. Also you could delete them by clicking .

You can use the filter bar to search the files you’re looking for.

You can also play the Technical Video you’ve added by clicking the button located on the right of the screen.

When you click on ‘New document’ you could upload a new Bulletin, Technical document, Technical Video or Technical presentation.



You have to fill the following fields:


IMPORTANT!: The way of adding Technical Videos is different than adding the other kind of documents/files (Bulletin, Technical document or Technical presentation).


How to add a Technical Video?

You can add videos from Youtube by adding the video’s ID. When adding a Technical Video be sure to provide a valid Youtube video ID.

These videos will be visible and users could play them on ‘Proclub’ -> ‘Service’ -> ‘Technical Videos’.

How to add a video?

1.- Go to Youtube and find the video you want to add.
2.- Copy the video ID you’ll find at the end of the video’s URL. It comes after the sign’=’.
3.- Paste it in the field ‘Document’ (ProClub -> ’Service’ -> ‘Direct Customers Technical -> ‘New Document’).


  Copy the video ID you’ll find at the end of the video’s URL. It comes after the sign’=’.



Paste the video ID in the field ‘Document’. Be sure on the field 'Type' you've selected 'Technical Videos'.

See Also